(217) 753-4117
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Other websites containing information about sexual assault.

ICASA Centers
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Illinois Government
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State Sexual Assault Coalitions
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National Organizations
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United States Government
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Immigration/ Anti-Trafficking
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Internet Safety
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LGBTQIA+ Resources
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Management Information
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Men's Organizations
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Other Victim Organizations
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People of Color Resources
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Related Organizations
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Self Defense and Safety
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Find a crisis center near you.

ICASA member rape crisis centers are located across Illinois and provide services to approximately 98% of the state's population.

Contact with an ICASA center is completely confidential.

Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA)

100 North 16th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 USA

Phone: (217) 753-4117 • Fax: (217) 753-8229

© 2024 Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault. All rights reserved.