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2013 State Legislation
Home > Legal Issues > State Legislation Changes 2001-2023 > 2013 State Legislation


HJRCA 1: Marsy's Law: Constitutional Amendment - Crime Victim Rights

HJRCA 1 creates an enforcement mechanism for the rights that crime victims have under the Illinois laws and Constitution and strengthens existing crime victim rights in the Illinois Constitution.

SB 1872: Eliminating Felony Prostitution

This End Demand Illinois initiative removes the felony sentence enhancement for a second or subsequent charge of prostitution.

HB 3128: Restricting Custody Rights of Men Who Father Through Sexual Assault

HB 3128 provides that when a child is conceived as a result of rape, the father’s/rapist’s custody rights may be restricted by Illinois courts based on clear and convincing evidence of the rape.

SB 1399: Childhood Protection Act

SB 1399 removes the civil statute of limitations for sexual abuse against children.

HB 1063: Eliminates Criminal Statute of Limitations for Sex Crimes Against Children

HB 1063 eliminates the criminal statute of limitations for sex crimes against children.

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Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA)

100 North 16th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 USA

Phone: (217) 753-4117 • Fax: (217) 753-8229

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